Sunday, September 30, 2012

What the Bible says about healthy living.....

It's been a while--but I've decided to start blogging again--not just for Nutrition but I also started a Fitness blog--MiMiSTRONG. If you chose to read, GREAT!..welcome :)
         *For the next month I'll be reading the book entitled: What The Bible Says About Healthy Living..forwarded by Jordan Rubin--Written by Rex Russel M.D. I honestly still have not found an exact eating style that suits me best but I really believe that this takes years to discover.  I am not one to believe in the eat 6 meals a day to keep your metabolism going...or that grains are absolutely horrible(what if you mill you're own flour?) JUST EAT PALEO..? ok, what does that even mean? eat 6 GRAPEFRUIT a day and you'll lose weight.. really? SOUP, its the cure. ok, but what about SODIUM? JUST eat fish.. DON'T eat this, DON'T eat that. People are constantly trying to get you to do what works best for THEM.. --so what works for YOU may NOT work for some one else.  I always tell people that the BEST way to discover what works is trial and error on yourself. It takes patients and if you want to someday learn what works best then do you're research..stop relying on other people. I'll be reading this book and each time I come across something interesting I'll blog about it.  Hopefully those of you who read these notes will decide to experiment as well :)

"I see a day not long from now when every major mainstream media outlet proclaims this headline: Christians are the worlds healthiest people, with less heart disease, diabetes and obesity than the rest of the world and have vibrant level of health. When this day comes, our churches will have to double or triple in size as people from near and far will beat down our doors to learn about the God we serve. In that day, we will truly be God's city on a hill, a light in a dark world."
-Jordan S Rubin(Best selling author of The Makers Diet)

Three CORE principles:

1) Eat the Foods God Created for You
2) Don't Alter Gods Design
3) Don't Let Any Food or Drink Become Your God

Have a great Sunday :)


Sunday, January 22, 2012


Just some...Nutrition Basics:
Functions of Nutrients:         1.Provide energy
                                                2. Build and repair tissue
                                                3. regulate metabolic processes

Metabolism- sum of all body processes that accomplish the body (measure speed in calories)

Kilocalorie- 1,000 little calories—amount of energy(heat) needed to raise 1L of h2o 1 degree Celsius

Principle of Nutrient interaction    1. No nutrient works perfectly alone
                                                            2. Nutrients have multiple roles

MaCRO Nutrients (3)ONLY nutrients that PROVIDE energy
          *CARBOHYDRATES #1 function: energy provider (4 cal/gram)
                        -from plants
                        -saccharides-building blocks
            *Glycogen is the storage form of Carbs

            *FAT Back up energy source (9kcal.g)
                        -fatty acids-building blocks
            *Adipose tissue—storage form of FAT
            *PROTEIN back up, back up energy source (4 cal/g)
                        -Amino Acids-building blocks
            *Store protein as MUSCLE

Other 3 = MICRO NUTRIENTS *minerals,vitamins AND h2O*
            Water-controls metabolism

RDA’s: Recommended daily allowance
            PROTEIN 10%-35%
            CARBS 45%-65%
            FAT 20%-35%
EAR: Estimated average requirement
UL: Tolerable Upper intake level
AI: Adequate Intake

Math: For a Food that contains, 24g Carbs, 2g Fat and 10g Protein
Carbs  25g * 4= 100
FAT     2g *9= 18
Protein 10g*4= 40
                        =158 calories total

Learn more about the MACROS in upcoming blogs :) Happy Sunday and enjoy the football games!! GO 49ers!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

THE perfect...

PANCAKE :) I was craving some COCO-NUT pancakes the other day, one of my specialties. I wanted to share the recipe with you and a little bit about the ingredients that I use. it is. Enjoy

To make about 8 small pancakes-->
You need:
1-2 tbsp agave nectar
4 egg whites
3/4 cups almond milk
1tsp vanilla extract
1tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
Mix together WELL, then add in-->
4 tbsp Coconut Flour
1/2 cup oats (optional)
as much cinnamon as you want 
1tsp all spice
1tsp nutmeg

**I top mine off with almond butter and a little bit of agave nectar**

(optional: you can add a banana if you wish, it definitely adds great flavor) ALSO: the other day I added Raw pumpkin to the wet ingredients and some blackberries, it was delicious :D

CoCoNuT fLouR 411


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chir-eeee! its getting to be THAT time of year...

Z's SauCy Chili
 It's starting to get chilly out (well, chilly for California), and i decided that it was time to break out the secret chili recipe...(which is no longer a big secret). So I am making it as I type. I added something new this time, a little bit of "TJ's" light coconut milk. I encourage you to try it, I use coconut milk in a lot of my recipes, which you will see in the future.
Health Benefits of Tomato :
  1. A large consumption of tomato can help improve skin texture and color.
  2. Tomato is a good blood purifier.
  3. Tomato helps in cases of congestion of the liver (protects the liver from cirrhosis) as well as for dissolving gallstones.
  4. Tomato is a natural antiseptic therefore it can help protect against infectionNicotinic acid in tomatoes can help to reduce blood cholesterol, thus helps prevent heart diseases.
  5. Vitamin K in tomatoes helps to prevent hemorrhages.
  6. Tomato contain lycopene (the red pigment in tomato), this pigment is a powerful antioxidant that can also fight cancer cells.
If you want to learn more, check this site out--> ToE-may-toE

NOW for the recipe:
1 onion (diced)
3 cloves garlic
2tbsp olive oil *Saute these three ingredients in large pot until onions begin to brown

-->ADD in 1tsp cinnamon,2tbsp chili powder or chili pepper, 1 tsp cayenne, 1 tsp basil, 1tbsp sriracha (You can actually add as much of these seasonings as you want..I normally don't measure ;)

-->Once the onions are browned, add in the GROUND TURKEY. I normally get the 'Lean' version, the one with the 8g of fat. The extra lean has a ton of sodium and no flavor. Anyway, add the meat, stir and cover. Check on it every now and then, it shouldn't take over 5 minutes to cook.

-->When the meat is done, add in 2 cans diced tomatoes, 1 can tomato sauce(or 2, if you like it extra soupy), 1 can tomato paste, 1 can light coconut milk, then I always add more seasonings and extra sriracha. Let sit, covered so flavors can come together. I usually wait about 45mins to eat it, or i'll make it early in the day and let it sit until dinner time. You're choice. It's great though cause it lasts most of the week..AND its healthier then most types of chiR-eeee's. 

Enjoy :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

BurGerZ anyone??

I went to this place recently and it was the BEST Burger I have ever had...besides my dad's(of course). I'm not a HUGE burger fan but I ate one anyway! ....and my stomach was happy..well sorta.  If you are in the San Clemente area, or EVEN if you are not and you are craving a juicy-messy-extremely-amazing burger this place is worth the trip!

If you do go, feel free to post about your experience!


EZ lunch 9/24/11

Quick Lunch option: This is something I put together on most days--it's just so convenient and tasty as well :) 

What you need:
*Salmon or Tuna in a can (preferably low salt)
*Stone ground mustard
*1/2 apple, blueberries are also a good option
*1/2 avocado

MiX all ingredients together
I also like to add baby tomatoes and sometimes I'll eat it with plantain chips from trader joes..YUM.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Is Intermittent Fasting Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Im starting to do a weekly fast. Today is the first day and so far it's going well. I've done a 1 hour pack walk and a 1 hour-- 2 min on 1 min off--(7 different exercises) intense (anaerobic) workout. Im drinking lots of water, hot tea and i had some coconut juice after the workout. Im actually feeling really good, clear minded and not too low on energy. I'm interested to see how i feel by the end of the day!